The Dance of the Crested Grebes
Animals on the Silesian Lakes (2004)
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List of species:
Seeadler, Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (poln. Bielik)
Märzenbecher, Spring Snowflaces, Leucojum vernum – Leberblümchen, Hepatica nobilis
Saatgans, Bean Goose, Anser fabalis (Ges zbozowa)
Blässgans, White-fronted Goose, Anser albifrons (Ges bialoczelna)
Haubentaucher, (Great) Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus; (Perkoz dwuczuby)
Reiherente, Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula (Czernica)
Höckerschwan, Mute Swan, Cygnus olor (Labedz niemy)
Tafelente, Pochard, Aythya ferina (Glowienka)
Blässralle (Blässhuhn), Coot, Fulica atra; (Lyska)
Rothalstaucher, Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps grisegena; (Perkoz rdzawoszyi)
Schwarzhalstaucher, Black-necked Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis; (Zausznik)
Graugans, Greylag Goose, Anser anser (Gegawa)
Weißstorch, White Stork, Ciconia ciconia (Bocian bialy)
Rauchschwalbe, Swallow, Hirundo rustica (Dymowka)
Buschwindröschen, Wood Anemone, Anemone nemorosa
Safran, Crocus, Crocus albiflorus – Hohe Schlüsselblume, Oxlips, Primula elatior
Fuchs, Fox, Vulpes vulpes
Igel (Ostigel), Hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor
Lachmöwe, Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus (Smieszka)
Seefrosch, Marchfrog, Rana ridibunda – Wasserfrosch, Aquatic Frog, Rana esculenta
Wels, Sheatfish, (Catfish), Silurus glanis
Ringelnatter, Grass Snake, Natrix natrix
Pappelkäfer, Poplar leaf Beetle, Chrysomela populi
Azurjungfer, Damselflies, Coenagrion spec.
Gelbe Schwertlilie, Yellow Flag, Iris pseudacorus
Biber, Beaver, Castor fiber
Kalmus, Sweet Flag, Acorus calamus – Rohrkolben, Reedmace, Typha latifolia.
Rohrweihe, Marsh Harrier, Circus aeruginosus (Blotniak stawowy)
About the film:
A lesser-known nature paradise, the “Milicki” Ponds, is located in Silesia (west Poland) about 50 kilometers north of Wroclaw. Already 800 years ago, the Cistercians were used them to start a fish farm. Today, these hidden beauties are part of the most important bird preserves in Poland. Over 170 bird species brood in the “Milicki” Ponds nature preserve. More than 100 species use the ponds as a resting place on their journey to the north or to the south.
Sea eagles can be observed already in the springtime. They nest in the surrounding forests. As soon as the ice melts, the first geese, ducks and grebes arrive.
In late spring, the lakes become reed beds and swampy grasslands filled with the calls and songs of birds. The mating ritual of the Crested Grebes is particularly impressive.
White Storks nest on the roofs of the nearby farms. They find enough frogs and amphibians for their young in the swampy grasslands.
Once again, beavers live in the swampy forests surrounding the ponds. Since their introduction in the middle of the previous century they have strongly multiplied, and they influence the water level of the ponds by building dams.
This film won a special prize in the category “Nature and Hunting Films” at the 6th International Film and Video Contest in Dortmund in 2005. The video clip submitted was seen as exemplary for the chosen theme.
Images for film: