Habitat Central America
The Rainforest in Guatemala (1994)
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List of species:
Gelbkopfamazone, Amazona ochrocephala, Yellow-crowned Amazon
Halsband-Arassari, Pteroglossus torquatus, Banded Aracari
Rüsselkäfer, Weevil
Braunhäher, Psilorhinus morio, Brown Jay
Zedrachbaum, Cedrela spec., Cedrelatree
Weisskappenpapagei, Pionus senilis, White-capped Parrot
Rotstirnamazone, Amazona autumnalis, Red-lored Amazon
Schwarzhand-Klammeraffe, Ateles geoffroyi, Black-handed Spider Monkey
Tuberkelhokko, Crax rubra, Great Curassow
Rostbauchguan, Penelope purpurascens, Crested Guan
Linienspecht, Dryocopus lineatus, Lineated Woodpecker
Guatemala-Brüllaffe, Alouatta villosa, Guatemalan Howler
Blattschneiderameisen, Leaf-cutting Ants
Scharfrichterfliege, Parasitic Phorid Fly
Nasutitermiten, Nasutitermitinae
Masséna-Trogon, Trogon massena, Massena Trogon
Königsspecht, Scapaneus guatemalensis, Flint-billed Woodpecker
Blauer Glasflügler, Sessid Moth
Orangebinden-Helikonienfalter, Orange-banded Heliconid
Zweifarb-Korallenschlange, Two-coloured Coral Snake
Saumfinger (Anolisleguan), Brown Anole
Pfauentruthuhn, Meleagris ocellata, Ocellated Turkey
Ozelot, Leopardus pardalis, Ocelot
Chachalácahuhn, Ortalis poliocephala, Mexican Chachalaca
Cayenne-Ralle, Aramides cajanea, Grey-necked Wood-Rail
Schmucktäubchen, Claravis pretiosa, Blue Ground-Dove
Erzfischer, Chloroceryle aena, Pygmy Kingfisher
Schwefeltyrann (Fliegenschnäpper), Pitangus sulphuratus, Great Kiskadee
Montezuma-Stirnvogel – Goldpendel, Oro pendula montez., Montezuma Oropendola
Graumilan, Ictinia plumbea, Plumbeous Kite
Guatemala-Laubfrosch, Guatemalan Treefrog
Mexikanische Nasenkröte, Mexican Burrewing Toad
Spinnentöter (Schlupfwespe), Spider Killing Wasp (Ichneumonid Wasp)
Treiberameise, Driver Ant, Army Ant
Gelber Blatthornkäfer, Yellow Lemellicorn
Riesentausendfüßer, Giant Milliped
Schwärmerraupe, Hawkmoth Caterpillar
Jakamar – Rotschwanz-Glanzvogel, Galbula ruficauda, Rufous-tailed Jacamar
Vampirfledermaus, Vampire Bat
Fledermausfalke, Hierofalco rufigularis, Bat Falcon
Opossum (Beuteltier), Opossum
Guatemala-Krallengecko, Clawed Gecko, Banded Gecko
Streifenschlange, Striped Snake
About the film:
In the northern lowlands of Guatemala, the tropical forests of Petén, the Mayans erected the most spectactular temple city in all of Precolombian America from the 3rd to the 9th century: TIKAL. This area became a national park in the year 1955, and here many animals, which have become rare, can be seen close-up.
Insects such as the Parasitec Phorid Fly, Leaf-cutting Ants, Sessid Moth, Yellow Lemellicorn or Spider Killing Wasp - birds, such as Brown Jay, Parrots and Trogons, Woodpeckers, wild Ocellated Turkeys, Montezuma Oropendola or the Rufus-tailed Jacamar – birds of prey such as the Plumbeos Kite and Bat Falcon – reptiles such as the Two-coloured Coral Snake, Striped Snake and Banded Gecko - monkeys, like the Black-handed Spider Monkey and the Guatemalan Howler - as well as the Opossum and the Ocelot can all be seen in this national park.
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