White Stags and Black-necked Grebe
Bohemia and Moravia (1997)
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List of species:
Schwarzhalstaucher, Black-necked Grebe
Lachmöve, Black-headed Gull
Zwergschwertlilie, Iris pumila, Dwarf Iris
Dorngrasmücke, Whitethroat
Blässhuhn, Bässralle, Coot
Rohrweihe, Marsh-Harrier
Grünspecht, Green Woodpecker
Wiedehopf, Hoopoe
Frauenschuh, Cypripedium calceolus, Lady´s Slipper
Gras-Schwertlilie, Iris graminéa
Flussperlmuschel, River Pearlmussel
Hirschkäfer, Stag Beetle
Habichtskauz, Uralkauz, Ural Owl
Waldkauz, Tawny Owl
Bergpieper, Water Pipit
Rotsterniges Blaukehlchen, Red-spotted Bluethroat
Weisser Hirsch, White Stag
Weißfleck-Widderchen, Syntomis phegea
Hain-Wachtelweizen, Melampyrum nemorosum
Uhu, Eagle Owl
Höhlenkreuzspinne, Meta menardi
Zimteule, Cinnamon Owl
Großes Mausohr, Myotis myotis
About the film:
On one of the many small lakes in southern Moravia, we observe the mating and breeding of the Black-necked Grebe. In the neighbouring oak forests, parts of which are over 300 years old, Green Woodpeckers, Hoopoes and Ural-Owls raise their young.
The Stag-beetle is also to be found in the forests of South Moravia. In early summer the males fight each other viciously. The largest stocks of River-pearl-mussels in Central Europe are also to be found in these forests.
In the „Riesengebirge“, the largest mountain range in Bohemia, only those plants and animals live on the highland pastures and moors which are able to adapt to the harsh climate of this region – as for example the mountain pine and the alpine anemone, the Water Pipit and the Redspotted Blue-throate.
Bohemian and Moravian karst is famous for its bizarre rock formations and underground caves. Besides the stalagmites and stalctites there are also animals who spend the winter here, such as bats, cave spiders and butterflies.
In the forests of Central Bohemia there are still a few specimens of the White Stag. We encounter these magnificent, blue-eyed animals in summer when their antlers are fully grown, and in autumn during the mating season.
Images for film: