Steppes and Deserts in Germany
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List of species:
Küchenschelle, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Pasque flower
Adonisröschen, Adonis annua, Adonis
Feldhase, Lepus europaeus, European hare
Goldammer, Emberiza citrinella, Yellowhammer
Dorngrasmücke, Sylvia communis, Whitethroad
Rebhuhn, Perdix perdix, Grey Partridge
Duftende Schlüsselblume, Traubenhyazinthe
Hummelschweber, Bombylius major, Bee flies
Affenknabenkraut, Hummelragwurz
Neuntöter (Rotrückenwürger), Lanius collurio, Red-backed Shrike
Uferschwalbe, Riparia riparia, Bank-Swallow
Bienenfresser, Merops apiaster, European Bee-eater
Ehrenpreis-Scheckenfalter und Raupe
Kleiner Dukatenfalter
Brauner Waldvogel
Wiesensalbei, Orchidee und Skabiose
Kleiner Fuchs
Faltenwespe (Lehmwespe), Delta unguiculata
Stieglitz (Distelfink), Carduelis carduelis, Goldfinch
Brauner Grashüpfer, Heupferd, Grille
Radnetz- und Baldachinspinne
Pfaffenhütchen, Schlehe
About the film:
Steppes and deserts in Germany – do they really exist?
There are indeed dry biotopes in small areas in Germany, which are similar to steppes or deserts. In the small biotopes similar to steppes such as the Walberla near Forchheim, the Garchinger Heide near Munich or the Wacholderheide in the Franconian Jura, we can find plants which love dry conditions and sunlight like the Pasque flower, the Adonis and many orchids. These are rare glacial relics. Rare animals such as the Grey Partridge and the European hare also prefer these habitats, as do the Yellowhammer and the Whitethroat.
Desert-like biotopes such as loess cliffs, sand masses and inland dunes have their own animal community such as Bee Flies, Tiger Beetles, the Smooth snake, Rabbits, Bank-Swallows, Bee-eater and the Goldfinch.
Images for film: